Monday, August 9, 2010

My Hubby with his daughters, and a weekend without his wife.

I have to say thank you to my husband. He sent me on my way to a 4 day MOPS retreat with 17 other amazing mommies. With my kids safe and home and in his great care, I was able to be refreshed, renewed and reminded how great my calling is.
I love him for giving me that gift. For letting me have a moment to hit the refresh button and come back ready and equipped to be a better mom. The worship and study of God's word, the fellowship with my MOPS sisters and the time to be silly with some friends was worth more than words can say.
Thank you Brian for giving me this past weekend. I love you.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Angel Mommies

This past week a few of my mom friends have been real angels. Stepping in with me to help another mom. Reaching out to a stranger in the Love of Christ and the bond of motherhood is such a sweet thing. So I want to thank Jaime, Lorna, Shara and Lindi for helping me out. Loving people is a gift that gives back in unseen ways.