Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Gina- My Girl

This is my buddy Sawyer. He is Gina's little boy and he is just my sweetie. I love him, and I love my friend Gina. As I mentioned last week and told you about Lesley, friends are important to me. After Lesley moved, it was so hard to find someone to fill that gap missing in a friend. I am so glad that Lesley and I are still in touch. And I was just so happy when God sent me Gina.
I love this picture, it looks like Sawyer got stuck between us and he can't get out! This is my Gina. What a friend. Let me tell you about Gina. Her world can be falling apart but you can be sure of 2 things" One, she will have a smile on her face, because she won't get beat! And two, she will ask YOU if you are okay and do you need anything. I was pregnant, and here she was, after her c-section, hurting and taking care of a newborn, and what does she do? Checks on me, brings me food.... Her son is in the hospital at 11 weeks...she looks after ME. She brought me a beautiful necklace after Anna was born because she said "The mother does not need to be overlooked when the baby arrives." One thing after another, and even in times of trial, she looks after me and loves me. I have NEVER had someone love me more sacrificially (besides my Savior, my parents and my hubby!) And boy, can she make some banana bread! Just ask Brian.

She loves my E. I love how she cares for her, brings her gifts, watches her (so I can teach Good News Club), hugs her, disciplines her, reads to her, is silly with her, is a mom to her. She is so special to Elizabeth and I love the bond that is forming between them.

Our friends. I love the time we spend together. It is rare to have a friend who seeks you out. In these times, often you have to really work to be close to friends. But just like my friendship with Lesley, it is effortless! Gina, Memphis and Sawyer mean the world to us.

We pray together...

We love to eat

And we definately love to play! I love our friendship. I thank God that He loves the bond of friendship as well. I thank him for giving Gina to my family. And I pray that you are blessed with a friend in your life who means even half as much!

Monday, April 20, 2009

My Lesley

I just miss my friend Lesley. And I want you to know how great she is. Lesley and I got to know each other when she lived here in Tallahassee. We went to Four Oaks Church together and it feels like she has always been in my life. She is family in every sense of the word. Her hubby got a new job up north. And at the time, I was not happy. But soon saw God's amazing plan in so many places.
From the adoption of her Son Angel, to her introduction of my sister to her now husband, Steve. There were so many blessings that came from her families move. We don't see each other much. But our friendship is one that never needs re-introductions. We are always a phone call or facebook message away from each other. Her family serves God faithfully. They are an inspiration to me and I love them very much. I hope Lesley will always know this.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Our Fearless Leader

This is Mike, he is wonderful. Mike and his wife, Pru, are our Bible study leaders. We are so blesssed by them every week. They have make a group that is loving, encouraging, trust worthy, prayerful, open.... We have grown in their group and under their leadership. I hope they know how much we love them.
I love these photos. Mike built a boat. We love this boat. It is "Sea Worthy" and quite the crowd pleaser. At our last cook out, many brave souls went for a ride and enjoyed it rather well. I know Elizabeth and her daddy had a great time!

We love you Mike and Pru! Thank you for all that you do for us.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My Sista's

This is me, very pregnant with Elizabeth!

I don't know if I can explain to you, just how much these ladies mean to me. I used to work at a school called Evangel Christian Academy. It was the single most important turning point of my life. Not just great memories, but the influence of Godly women who changed the course of my life.

To say we had fun together is an understatement. The Joy of the Lord and anything silly could make us laugh!

This was a season for all of us. But one we will never forget. I love these ladies with my life. Some of us have stayed in very close contact. Some of us are hard to find....eh-hem...Debra? How 'bout you call the sista's some time?

We love each other with a Christ-likeness. We had a work place that was unlike any other. 5 years, and never a bad tounge against one another. We have experienced sorrows and joys together that are hard to express. From losing Pam to watching Bethany go off to the mission field, seeing our kids take 1st at competitions and watching our first 6th grade class graduate. These are times I can never forget.

So to all my sista's, I love you dearly. You ushered me into maturity, walked me into a Godly marriage, and you saw me become a first time mother. I love you, I love you, I love you all.